There are different contexts for Black organizations and Black communities in Canada. FFBC’s grant-making takes a community-informed, iterative, and learning-focused approach. The definitions below are meant to provide broad frames for understanding these concepts rather than immutable definitions.
Administrative transfers: Updating grantee information to reflect an administrative change to the grantee including an anticipated change that was built in as part of the original grant, a change to the grantee’s eligibility status, or a change to the organization’s status through amalgamation or merger.
Black Collaborative: Meets the following criteria:
- A Black collaborative is one that is led by a B3 organization or;
- A Black collaborative is one where at least one third of collaborative members are B3 organizations, groups or individuals and these B3 groups/individuals have a significant and clear role in the vision, design, delivery, and decision-making of your strategic project.
- In all cases a Black collaborative must include Black people who are central to the project’s vision, design, delivery, and decision-making.
How anchored in Black culture and community is the collaborative’s work?
- The strategic project is designed explicitly for Black people. It recognizes the diversity of the Black communities it serves.
- The collaborative emerged explicitly to change or rebuild oppressive systems impacting Black people.
- The collaborative is committed to elevating Black cultures, histories, and healing through its work.
- Collaborative partners/members are recognized as leaders in Black communities.
- The collaborative is committed to engaging, listening, and learning from Black leadership, grassroots groups and community members.
How committed is the collaborative to equity and anti-oppression?
- The collaborative aims to address the impacts of anti-Black racism and commits to challenge and change the status quo through systems change.
- Addressing systemic oppression of Black youth is central to the vision and strategies of your collaborative’s work.
- The collaborative aims to increase access to and build power in Black communities.
Black-focused organization: Delivers culturally responsive programming/services, organizational leadership includes leaders that identify as Black, and regularly collaborates with Black-led organizations.
Black-led organization: Mandate to serve Black community, identity at the centre of services/programs, with Black leadership at all levels (i.e. staff, executive, governance)
Black-serving organization: Supports causes that positively impact Black communities, responds to communities’ unique cultural identities, history and needs, and has Black beneficiaries (i.e. service users).
Budget categories: Budget line items that are related to similar costs from a budget category. FFBC budgets include three broad budget categories: direct staffing costs (i.e. staffing or salaries), Non-staffing costs (project/program costs and capital) and overhead and administration costs.
Collaborative application: Two or more organizations with a well-defined relationship working jointly to achieve a common goal. Characteristics include mutual benefit, shared decision making and accountability to each other and to the communities they serve.
A collaborative may include both eligible and ineligible organizations who are in good standing and do not engage in discriminatory or political/advocacy activities. The lead organization (Collaborative Lead) must be eligible as per FFBC policies.
Collaborative Lead: The Collaborative Lead is the FFBC applicant and becomes the FFBC grantee. The Collaborative Lead meets FFBC eligibility requirements and criteria and demonstrates strong capacity to deliver fiscal and project oversight that will result in successful achievement of the expected grant outcomes.
Collaborative agreement: The written agreement, detailing the purpose and nature of the collaborative, including roles and responsibilities, purpose of the collaborative, working arrangements that include decision-making and conflict resolution. The agreement is signed by all members of the collaborative making application for FFBC funding.
Flow-through funding: Funding that will be reallocated to a third-party organization.
Grant contract: The legal agreement between the FFBC and the grantee, including any subsequent amendments.
Granting deadline: The published deadline (date and time) for submitting applications for grant funding to FFBC.
Incorporated Partner: A not-for-profit or charitable organization that supports unincorporated Black groups and individuals with the receipt of FFBC grant funds and other support as agreed to by the two parties.
IRP: Foundation for Black Communities (FFBC) with our partner Community Foundations of Canada (CFC) are two of five Readiness Support Partners mandated by the Government of Canada to deliver funding for the Investment Readiness Program. The IRP is a new $50M fund designed to help advance social innovation and social finance (SI/SF) in Canada. The IRP will also help social purpose organizations prepare for the Government of Canada’s broader investment in social finance via the Social Finance Fund, a historic new $755M commitment which was announced in November 2018. As a Readiness Support Partner, CFC is administering $1.5M in funding from the Government of Canada that will be made available as non-repayable capital to Black-led social purpose organizations with a Black-focused social purpose.
Organizations with limited affiliations: Organizations that meet the needs of specific populations, including youth or seniors’ groups, cultural associations and legions.
Political activity: Activities carried out to support or oppose any political party, elected representative, or candidate for public office.
Reallocation: Transfer of FFBC funds within a previously approved grant budget.
Recovery: Return of unspent surplus grant funds.
Religious entities: Organizations established for the observation of religious beliefs, including churches, temples, mosques, and synagogues.
Social innovation and social finance: Social innovation refers to new ideas, which, when adopted, improve a community’s wellbeing. Social finance is the practice of making investments intended to create social or environmental impact in addition to financial returns. The complex social, economic, and environmental challenges facing Canada (homelessness, climate change, and youth unemployment, amongst others) demand creativity and transformative solutions. To take advantage of resources and opportunities made available by social innovation and social finance (SI/SF), social purpose organizations need to build their existing skill sets and develop new skills.
Social purpose organization: Social purpose organizations (SPOs) consist of various organizations with a mission to advance social or environmental objectives. Social purpose organizations include: the charitable and non-profit sector (registered charities, incorporated non-profit organizations and non-profit co-operatives) the private sector (market sector co-operatives and private businesses advancing a social or environmental mission) hybrid entities such as Community Contribution Companies and Community Interest Companies, found in British Columbia and Nova Scotia respectively
Sport and recreation: Any activity that refreshes, satisfies, and brings enjoyment to people, in which they engage on a voluntary basis during leisure time.
Surplus funds: An amount of funding that is unspent after the specified grant result(s) have been met.
Transfer of active grant: Moving grant funds and obligations from the approved grantee to another organization. This does not include administrative transfers.
Youth-wellness Refers to the intentional use of sport, recreation, or any a form of physical activity, to provide youth with the opportunity to develop life-skills, that ultimately lead to positive behavior change.